Dry Deserts
Learn about deserts around the world while practicing your reading, writing, science, social studies, and math skills.

Deserts Around the World
This unit introduces five of the world's deserts to learners, but there are many more. Use a globe, books, atlas, internet, or map to find all the deserts. Read different fun facts about them and decide which one is your favorite.
Books About Deserts
Increase your learner's background knowledge about deserts by reading about them. You can go to your local library or print photos from the internet. Here are some books from Amazon you can order as well.

High-Frequency Words
This book uses lots of high-frequency words. Phonics is important for your developing reader, but you also want them to get to the point where they can read sight words without having to sound them out. If you are a teacher and want some for your word wall, I have a list of all the Dolch HFW with different cute patterns. Below you can download the high-frequency words used in this book.

Desert Practice
Design a desert and write about what you included in your design. Can you build a desert in a shoebox? Research more about animals and plants in deserts. Cut and sort the animals that live in a sandy desert. Make a pyramid of camels! Practice coloring and stacking the camel cards.


Desert Figures

Cactus Toy

Tortise Plush