What is A Messy Classroom?
A Messy Classroom has been working since 2022 to provide teachers and parents with the resources they need to make education engaging, meaningful, and memorable for their learners regardless of their socioeconomic status. There is never an obligation to purchase anything so that these resources can be as accessible as possible to all communities. In order to keep everything free, all that I ask is that you do not directly share the downloadable resources or Youtube videos, instead please direct people to this website to download the materials themselves or share the Youtube links to the videos. This helps me to generate income from Google Adsense in order to keep the website running and continue creating.
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Thank you very much for your support and I hope you find the website useful.

Rebekah Williams
Rebekah obtained her teaching credentials from the University of North Carolina at Asheville where she graduated Magna cum Laude as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow with a degree in literature as well as a K-6 teaching licensure. She taught in North Carolina for four years before relocating to Beijing, China where she taught for six more years specializing in hands-on learning. After having her daugher, Rebekah decided to move back to the United States and commit herself to making project based learning as accessible as possible for all learners.
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